Competitive Play

Round Robins

As of 2023 our club runs round robins for competitive play. The SFS Pickleball Club group within the TeamReach App contains all our club events. Access to the TeamReach events are provided in the Thank You letter you receive after joining the club. The club enters the results from the round robins into DUPR (it’s a website and an app). The goal is to get ratings for all members that play in SFS competitive play events. It allows for like skill play and helps players determine which skill level to play in sanctioned tournaments.

If you want more competitive play than our round robins you might want to consider entering tournaments put on by other organizations. Check out our local tournaments page or the Pickleball Brackets website for upcoming tournaments.

What is a Round Robin?

A round robin is a structured form of play with 8 like-skilled players. It is competitive by less competitive than a tournament. A tournament event will have a broader range of skills. We try to keep the skill level within a tighter range than a tournament. You will play 7 games; once with each player and against each player twice. Mixed round robins will consist of 4 men and 4 women. Each man/woman combo will play with each other twice. Based on court availability we may alter this format slightly with a 4 or 5 player format.



The club ran ladder leagues prior to Covid; they were a great way to get competitive play. The ladder orders players top to bottom by skill level. All skill levels play. Groups of 4 are made with consecutive players. Each group participates in a match where each player partners with the other 3 players in 3 games. Players move up or down the ladder each week according to their performance in the round robin games. The ladder season typically ran from early Spring to mid Fall.

The Challenge Ladder format lets players form teams that they stick with for the duration of the season. Teams are ranked from top to bottom. Each team may challenge the teams ranked ahead of them to climb the ladder.

We may consider ladders in the future.